"Catalonia celebrates in Ulldecona the 25th anniversary of the inscription of Rock Art to UNESCO."

"Catalonia celebrates in Ulldecona the 25th anniversary of the inscription of Rock Art to UNESCO."

This weekend, Catalonia celebrates the 25th anniversary of the inscription of the Cave Art of the Mediterranean Arc of the Iberian Peninsula (ARAMPI) on the UNESCO World Heritage List, with open doors to the visitable cave sites.

On Saturday, 2 December, there will be an institutional event from 12.00 noon at the Cave sites in Ulldecona, with the participation of the Director General of Cultural Heritage, Sònia Hernández, accompanied by the Mayoress of Ulldecona, Núria Ventura. Afterwards, there will be a talk by Virginia Barciela, PhD in Prehistory, a specialist in cave art from the University of Alicante, who will review the 25 years of joint management between the communities that make up ARAMPI, highlighting the exceptional nature of this heritage. From 10.00 a.m. onwards, visits will be made to the abrics.

On Sunday 3 December, various rock art sites that can be visited in Catalonia will offer guided tours (by prior reservation) so that the public can get to know this unique and singular heritage that forms part of their identity. The sites that can be visited by prior reservation are the cave paintings of Albi, the Roca dels Moros (El Cogul), the Cova de Tabac (Camarasa), the cave paintings of Capçanes, the Abrics de l’Ermita (Ulldecona) and the cave paintings of the Vilella ravine (Tivissa). Four more sites can be visited without reservation: the Cova dels Vilars (Os de Balaguer), Cabra Freixet (El Perelló), Cocó de la Grall (El Perelló), and the Cova de la Grall (El Perelló), Cocó de la Gralla (Mas de Barberans) and the gravels of Mas de n’Olives (Ponts). In the last three you can follow a signposted itinerary with information panels.